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Main Street Looking East, Maynard, Mass. - 1906
Masonic Building on the right, Naylor Block center back.
Advertising for Christie's Store, Maynard, Mass.
A variety store which was located on Main Street (56 Main Street).
The postcard features a view of Meriam's Corner, Concord, Mass.
The postcard features a view of Meriam's Corner, Concord, Mass.
Maynard Soccer Team
M. Waterhouse, J. Billett, E. Billet, Ralph Hill, Ralph Hill, Jr., Richard Allen, James Allen, Tom Murray, Roddy MacIver, F. Palmer, C. Turnhill, F. Newman, C. Spence
Saint Bridget Parochial Residence, Maynard, Mass. - 1907
Original Abel G. Haynes homestead on Newton Drive. Purchased during Fr. Crowe's pastorate in 1901. The building was moved across Newton Drive to Great Road in 1906, during Fr. Killilea's pastorate to make way for the present rectory. The building…
Twilight Club Members and Guests - 1905
Club was made up from Maynard residents. . Built in 1904. Dissolved in 1964.
Boston & Maine Railroad Station - 1907
Looking east on Main Street. Located at xx Main Street. Built in 1850. It was turn down in 1957.