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A list of men in the Stow militia compiled by Yael Walcott, Town Clerk. See pdf for handwritten list.

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A book containing programs, letters, photos, and newspaper articles documenting the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in front of the Frank J. DeMars Post building on Summer Street. Several pages shown. (note: The building has since past…

A collection of letters, photos, newspaper articles and reports documenting the activities of the Frank J. DeMars Post for 1981 and 1982. Several pages shown

A history of the Leapin Lena from 1927 through 1996 documented by photos, newspaper articles and documents. Several pages shown

A carriage lantern manufactured by Dietz. The company started in 1840 when its founder, 22-year-old Robert Edwin Dietz purchased a lamp and oil business in Brooklyn, New York. Though famous for well built indoor and outdoor kerosene lanterns, the…

Five stencils used to mark cases and bundles at the American Powder Mills.

An American Cyanamid & Chemical Corp., American Powder Division, Maynard, Mass. large box. It contained ditching dynamite.

A box labeled American Cyanamid & Chemical Corp. Powder Division, Maynard Mass. It contained dangerous high explosives and ammonia dynamite.

Used mostly around the barns. Could be hung from a nail or hook during milking or other chores.

A Union Crayon Co. crayon box that held one grosss dustless school crayons, manufactured in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Two outdoor electric bells used at the Roosevelt School since 1918, when it was built.

A third bell is from the Emerson-Fowler School.

A piece of a wooden box with the label "American Cyanamid and Chemical Corp. - American Powder Division - Maynard, Mass, U.S.A." Mr. & Mrs. Worsley Fardy were traveling in New Hampshire and saw this piece of a box at a flea market.

This is a prototype Digital Equipment Corporation SHARK network computer/thin client.

In 1997, Digital Equipment Corporation produced the DIGITAL Network Appliance Reference Design (DNARD), and published the hardware specifications for free…

Two wood marking gauges. A marking gauge is used in woodworking and metalworking to mark out lines for cutting or other operations. The purpose of the gauge is to scribe a line parallel to a reference edge or surface.

The third tool is…

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Eight Christmas tree lights of various colors in the shape of candles. The fluid inside the plastic candle would heat up and ripple.

A porcelain light fixture with light bulb.

Two National Mazda Brian Marsh Tipped Light Bulbs produced in 1915 and a product of the General Electric Company.

An advertising oil can product produced by McCormick-Deering, which supplied farm machines and implements. The McCormick-Deering label existed from 1923 to 1947 as part of International Harvestors Co.

This can was used for advertising by Maynard…

A tobacco cutter was used to cut plug tobacco, which came in a strip to be cut into smaller pieces. About the time this cutter was in use a hand of tobacco cost 40 cents and could be cut into five 10 cent pieces. Chief of Police John Connors was an…

Glass Lampshade.jpg
A hand-painted glass lampshade and a carnival glass-like lampshade. They were typically used on ceiling fixtures. These were popular in the 1920s.

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Seated: PC Donald Marchant, Executive Board; PC J. Foster Toohey, Commander; Russell Rogers, JVC; PC Howard Schreiber, Executive Board

Standing: ___ Bolger, ___Sgt. -at- Arms; PC Alfred Dentino, Finance Officer; PC Robert Murray,…