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  • Tags: postcard

Moose Social Club on 2nd floor. Nell Coughlin.
Eric Simons, Wm. Pero, Oscar Alving, Ed Ryan

Two views about the same period. The second card refers to the connection of the Concord, Maynard and Hudson St. Ry. with the Lowell, Acton and Maynard line.
Naylor Block in the center, back.
Note in the colorized version of the first card that the…

The Post Office was located in the building.
The Creighton Block was the small building extending in front of the Masonic Building.

The back of the second card is for address only as regulated by the U.S. Post Office. In 1908 address message were allowed on backside.

Early view showing St. Bridgets R. C. Church at the corner of Sudbury St. and Percival St.

Likely the Twilight Club

The "Princess" carried passengers from the railroad and from the river boats around Lake Boon, stopping at several places.