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  • Tags: bridge

The ice house was built by John Comeau, later owned by Fred Taylor. It was located on the Stow side of the Assabet River by Russel Bridge, seen in photo.

The Assabet River, Ben Smith Bridge and the Mill Street Bridge are visible on the right side of picture. The old pumping station chimney, back and to the left, on Winter Street and the chimney at the trolley barn are seen on the left.

The Ben Smith Bridge and the Mill Street Bridge are seen as well as the Assabet River. The chimney, center left, is the old pumping station on Winter Street.

The first Russell's Bridge connected Stow to Sudbury over the Assabet River.

The Assabet River seen after a thunder storm in July 1887. The view is of the river looking upstream toward the Ben Smith Bridge perhaps taken from the Mill Street Bridge.

The river is presumably the Assabet but which bridge is shown is a mystery.

Looking upstream of the Assabet River with the Woolen Mill in the background.

The two women are standing on a bridge enjoying a smoke. It's possible that this is a photo taken later of two women dressed in period costumes.

The three large tenement buildings were on Main Street built by Amory Maynard. The auto in the foreground is a 1928 Ford Model A. The road on the far side of the bridge changes its name to Acton Street. This bridge was replaced in 2013.

This bridge crossed the Assabet Road at the Stow/Maynard town line, now White Pond Road.
The bridge was near Cyrus Hayward's.


The bridge was built in 1816 allowing for a direct route between Fitchburg and Boston.


Top photo near Powder MIlls
Bottom photo at railroad bridge Maynard Coal Company

A photo of the Walnut Street Bridge in 1932. Several Maynard citizens are posing: (r-l) Richard Sherman, Victor Kizik, Johnny ___, Roy Dean, and (unidentified).

A collection of eight photos (5 shown) of the bridge off Main Street.

The file contains newspaper reports of the head on collision in November 26, 1905 of Boston & Maine trains at Baker Bridge, Lincoln resulting in loss of life and injuries. Maynard residents involved in the accident include: Harvey Broadbent, Matthew…

1st, 2nd, & 3rd pictures are Mill Street, 3rd & 4th is Florida Road, last picture is High Street, Acton (Powder mill dam)

Top: B & M Bridge, Russell Bridge
Bottom: Ben Smith Dam, Main St. School

Train crossing the Assabet River on bridge off Main Street. The second photo shows the bridge at a later date with a bridge below the train crossing. The bridge was built in 1849 and dismantled in 1982.