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  • Tags: CO1953

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Top Row: Nancy Sirvio, Alice Spurrell, Joanne Tucker, Virginia Van Vorse, Ellen Veracka, Marlys Wood, Helen Whitney, Nancy Warila, Madeline Terrasi, Helen Taryma, Fay Saarela, Mary Priest

2nd Row: Philip Murphy, Gordon Nelson, Edward…

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Front: Bob Jarmulowicz, Donald Torpa, Paul Duggan, Philip Williams, Bill Clayton
Rear: Coach Dick Lawson, Dick Larson, Alex Kulevich, Raymond Larson, David Crotty, Reino Neimi, Gerald Connors, ___?

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Front: Coach Fran Collins, Lenny Massarelli, Jim Bakum, Mark Nelson, Ed Rogers, Bob Viola, Ed Cuddy, Alex Kulevich, Albert Alexanian

2nd: Fred Mariani, Don Torppa, George Shaw, Bob Konowicz, Reino Niemi, Ray Peterson, Bob Jarmulowicz,…

Eight photos of the Nursery School class at the Roosevelt School.
First Photo:
Front row: 3rd from left, Anne Bundalavitch; 4th from right, Betty Duckworth; 2nd from right __Tower.

Third row (seated): 3rd from left, Jeanne…

1st photo: Ed Rogers

2nd photo: Roger Weaving, Ed Gallagher (with ball)

3rd photo: unidentified

Program from the 2011 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 19, 2011, at the Maynard Elks Hall. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a list…

Program from the 2006 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 18, 2006, at the Maynard Lodge of Elks. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a…