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  • Tags: drug store

Thomas Wouldhave was the first druggist in Maynard. His store was located at the corner of Main and River Streets. Ben Johnson succeeded him and moved the store to the east end of the Maynard (Masonic) Block. Ernest Johnson was the postmaster from…

A wall calendar with all twelve months. Each page packed with information. This is a continuation of a business first established in 1865 by John B. Ledgard.
The store was located at 30 Nason St.

A large wall calendar posted thru the Maynard Police Department and sponsored by Manning Pharmacy.

A large wall calendar posted thru the Maynard Police Department and sponsored by Manning Pharmacy.

An account of the turbulent interplay of alcohol, the Temperance movement and Prohibition in Maynard.

A promotional hanging calendar for the pharmacy. Wilder Macurda owned and operated the pharmacy on 12 Nason St.

Five (red, blue, green, white, yellow) advertising key holders for the pharmacy.

In 1906 Frank Fearns opened a pharmacy in the New Fowler Bldg. on Main Street. In the 1920's the business was purchased by Alfred Minahan and a few years later by…

Plastic snap on cover used by Johnson's before selling store in the 1960's.

Two Prescription books from Johnson Pharmacy, the first with prescriptions 27001 to 29999; the second with prescriptions 97751 (Oct. 23, 1903) to 110135 (Feb 10, 1905).
Each prescription is pasted in order in the book, with the ordered drug, doctors…

Shot glass used to measure tablespoon, teaspoon and 1 wine glass.
Snow's was owned by J. J. Erisman.