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  • Tags: dpw

Tom graduated form Maynard High School in 1966. He was the Superintendent of Public Works (1975-1988) including Tree Warden, Fence Viewer, Planning Board Agent.

Second photo - Occupancy Permitting meeting at Data Terminal System (off Acton St.),…

John Tobin was challenged by Russell Lattucca. John was reelected but did not finish out his term. He died in 1986.

This appears to be the Maynard DPW clearing an obstruction from a Drainage line from a catch basin at 7 Haynes Street.

John Joseph Tobin was born in Maynard, April 17, 1925 to William Tobin and Mary Murphy Tobin. John attended Maynard public schools as a member of the Class of 1944 however he left school early to join the Navy in 1942 to fight in WWII. He…