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Centennial Monograph: Carnivals and Circuses
Before entertainment was available at the push of a button, the arrival of a carnival or circus in town would bring a little bit of excitement to quiet town life.
Centennial Monograph: Saint Casimir's Church
The origins and evolution of St. Casimir's church, an offspring of St. Bridget's focused on the Polish community.
Centennial Monograph: St. Bridget's Temperance Society
The history of one of the larger temperance societies that operated for about 20 years from 1890 to the 1910s.
Centennial Monograph: Saint Anthony of Padua Society
The history of the Society whose purpose was to unite all men and women who are practical Roman Catholic of Italian extraction, whether born in Italy or of Italian descent.
Centennial Monograph: Saint Bridget's Cemetery
The history of St. Bridget's Cemetery, which actually predates the parish in Maynard, from 1869 through the 1940s.
Centennial Monograph: The Twilight Club
The Twilight Club was a social organization, founded by members of St. Bridget's church, which maintained a clubhouse on Lake Boone in Stow as a summer retreat for 60 years (1904-1964).
Centennial Monograph: The Irish People in Maynard
A review of the Irish community's arrival and impact on the Town of Maynard.
Father John P. Prusaitis 40th Anniversary Program
The program for Father Prusaitus celebration as a priest for 40 years.
Bishop Visits Maynard
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Jimmy King, ___?, Bishop___?, Father Sullivan, Father Frank Miaskiewicz, Joseph E. Boothroyd
Jimmy King, ___?, Bishop___?, Father Sullivan, Father Frank Miaskiewicz, Joseph E. Boothroyd
St. Bridget's Parish School Building Plan - 1963
Plan of land showing location of school building proposal in relation to church off of Percival Street.
Plan of Lots in St. Bridget's Cemetery - 1913
A plot layout of the graves in St. Bridget's Cemetery as the 6th survey done by Horace F. Tuttle, of Acton in 1913.
Saint Bridget's Church - ca 1900
A postcard depicting an early view of St. Bridget's Catholic Church.
Maynard Pro Musica Mozart Concert Flyer, Program & Ticket - 1982
The concert, sponsored by the Maynard Savoyards, was held at St. Bridgets Church and a reception at the school hall.
St. Bridget's Church Lithograph - ca.1900
Depicts the church, rectory, and pastor Rev. Jno. A. Crowe
St. Bridget's Choir Program
A program for St. Bridget's Parish Choir to celebrate "An Evening of Christmas Joy". The Parish participated in an evening singing traditional holiday songs.