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Tom Nevins, one of the club members, had a bicycle shop where the Fine Arts Theatre now stands. Other members included Fred Binns, John Denniston, Thomas Denniston, Robert Denniston and Dennis Spain.

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The Priest Brothers were famous for their stunts on the 3-passenger model. Identified are: Walter & William Priest, Lyman Priest and Frank Coulter.

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Information on the bicycle clubs that existed in Maynard.

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"This booklet of illustrated scenes of New Caledonia is published with the hope that it will give you, our American friends, a better understanding of our country, its people and customs."

"All you want to know about New Caledonia"

Two sepia photos of the Grade 4 class. On the picture 1999.119 an arrow is pointing to Josephine (Josie) Hendrickson Lent. The teacher is Miss Nellie Pettigrew.


A 1910 sepia photo of Maynard High School students in the classes of 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913. It was taken in front of the present Roosevelt School on Nason Street, Maynard.

The names are left to right:
Front (6): Hartwell Flood '11, Raymond…

The second & third photos: William Mann with members of the class of 1908.

A sepia collage of individual student pictures from a fourth grade class in 1900. Children named on the back of the picture are (in no particular order): John Novick, William Ledger, Leona Howard, Barbara Masson, Mary Downey, Myrna Geottler, Ruth…


Two sepia pictures of the Maynard High School Class of 1911 during their senior trip to Washington, DC.

The students are left to right:

Front: Janet Taylor, Margaret Williams, John D. Chester, Principal

Center: Laura MacPherson, Inez…


A sepia picture of the teachers in Maynard, MA in 1914.

Left to right:
Front: Mary Finn, Emma Jordon, Ellen Leonard, Gladys Daggett, Francis Brick (Superintendent of Schools), Edna Locke, Veronica Burdo, Lola Carter

Second: George Kennedy,…


Two sepia pictures of the 8th Grade Class at the Nason Street School in 1910.

l to r
Front (9): Grace Haynes, Cecilia Moynihan, Esther White, Josephine Lester, Hannah Johnston, Bessie Sheehan, Marion Flagg, Mildred Rodway, Annie Anelons



A sepia picture of a third grade class in the Nason Street School, Maynard.


A sepia photo of Grade 1 students in front of the Main Street School in 1905.
(l to r)
Front (9): John Wickman, ___Woods, Cecilia Moynihan,___Woods, Amy Peterson, John Kane, Watson Connors, Margaret Brophy, Leo White

Second (7): Anton Peterson,…


Photo taken on front steps of the Nason Street school which burned in 1916 to be replaced by the brick building now on Nason Street.

(l to r)
Front: Herb Usher, Alvin Smith, Eddie Coughlan, Emmet Riley, Bert Mallinson, Leo Comeau, Walter…

This picture was taken at Lake Boon in the roadway leading up to the Association Hall in front of what was known as the Leicester Cottage.

Thought to be the old Northwest District School, or Turnpike School, which had been removed from its former location at Great Road and Parker Streets.

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The School is located on Percival Street.


Located on Summer Street, the corner stone for the St. George's Church was laid on August 10, 1895 and was consecrated on April 14, 1897. The building is currently a private residence.

The second photo shows the church and the rectory located…

Located on Prospect Street, the church was erected in 1915-16.
The first photo was taken November 22, 1931. Second photo was taken in 1970. The third photo shows the redesigned entrance.

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