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Used with the DEC VT240 and other terminals.

Keyboard sold with the VT100 series terminals.

The keyboard was introduced in 1982 to be used with the VT 220 terminal.

This bell was used by Mr. John H. Vose, a teacher at the Garfield Intermediate School on Sudbury Street, to call the pupils into school. Purchased at an auction of the Vose property in the early 1900's by Mrs. James Sheridan, Sr. It was used by the…

An old school bell from Maynard, MA, school.

A set of maces/gavels used by the officers of the Roma Lodge #11030, Sons of Italy, Maynard, MA.

A bayonet is a long, sharp blade that can be attached to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon.

Two wood powder horns.


John Carlson lived in Maynard for several years and worked at the W.B.Case store. He left Maynard about 50 years ago and went to live out west. He carried this revolver for several years. Eventually he became a resident of Harrison, Maine. He…

A pencil sharpener from the Roosevelt School in the 1930's.

A horn trophy from the Kanto Athletic Club (A.C.) Collection.

An old Buck Rogers Ray Gun from 1947 vintage.

Buck Rogers is a science fiction adventure hero and feature comic strip created by Philip Francis Nowlan first appearing in daily US newspapers on January 7, 1929, and subsequently appearing in…

A powder horn made from a cow's horn.

The Ernest Jarvi World War II Collection includes a messkit, 2 meal cans, several samples of foreign currency, and US and German insignias. Ernest Jarvi was a member of the 320th Bomb Group during the War.

The meal cup has inscriptions of the…

A brass lamp used to disinfect and deodorize your home. Formalin is a form of formaldehyde and was vaporized to kill a variety of bacteria in the home and workplace. The lamp sold for $1.75 and the formalin pellets were $.30 for 20 ct.

This kerosene lantern was used by Charles Ryan, Sr. while watchman at the Walnut Street Gate of the Assabet Mills. It was carried by Mr. Ryan when making his hourly rounds through the mills.