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The program for a musical presentation by Maynard High School students as a tribute for the USA Bicentennial.

MHSA 2019.608a.JPG
This book was the property of the Young Co-Operators Club of Maynard, a sub-unit of the United Co-Operative Society.

A photo of employees who work in the Warping Department. These employees maintain machinery that uses strands of yarn to form heavier threads that will ultimately become a sixty inch finished width of fabric.

Photograph taken at Lake Boon in either 1914 or 1916.

Front: Jinx Murray, Louis Sullivan, W. (Mc)Mann, Pat Murphy, Spec White, Jim Tobin

Rear: John Wall (Civil War Veteran), Edw. Ledgard, Sam Lawton, Al Ledgard, Jim Ledgard, Jim Helferty,…

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A sales slip from the The Thrift Shop located at 70 Main St., Maynard, MA. Above the title of the store is an additional title, "Mary's Apparel Shop". The shop sold Ladies, Misses, and children's dresses and underwear. The receipt is made out to…

A study exploring the cultural resources in the Assabet, Concord and Sudbury Rivers basin. see abstract

All of the sponsors of the book are merchants in Maynard or Hudson.

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A compilation of documents and photos of the Stein and Jussila families. Documents include: personal correspondence, Naval correspondence/discharge notice, birth certificates, passport, Harvard University acceptance letter, Alien Registration Card,…

A photo of the Maynard Mills and Square in 1914.

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Presentation slides of Bob Barta's historical review of one of the founding families of Maynard: the Smiths.

The slides include property maps, family trees, burial notes, and some photos of the houses owned by the Smith family.

The shuttle, a double pointed device that carries the automatic bobbin, trails a taut thread and packs it tightly against the woven part of the fabric at the instant the shuttle reaches either end of its travel. It is the combination of the filling…

l to r
Front: Catherine E. Sheridan Coughlin ( 1858-1940), James Sheridan ( 1851-1937 ), Mary "Lena" Sheridan ( 1887-1963 )

Back: John Henry Sheridan ( 1878-1960 ), Francis "Frank" Sheridan ( 1893-1973 ), James W. Sheridan, Jr. ( 1880-1952 ),…

Not sure if this photo was taken in Maynard,

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A fourteen page booklet sent home to the parents on a regular schedule outling the progress of the student. This is the 4th Grade Report for Doret Edwards. The Society also has the 2nd and 3rd Grade Report Books.

Note: Cora Doret Edwards was born…


A collection of paper records from 1942 to 1952 from Raymond J. Sheridan. These records include his appointments to: the Superintendant of Highways for Maynard 1942-1951, Fence Viewer for 1946, 1947,1951, and Special Police for 1949, 1950, and…

Raymond Veitch, Editor
Carl Persons, Business Manager

"As perhaps you understand, this is the first attempt of the students of the Maynard High School to publish a school magazine or paper of any kind."

Maynard Assembly #21: Instituted November 13, 1926, Constituted November 9, 1927. The cookbook seems to have been a fund raiser project for the girls. Shown is the cover, a sample page of recipes and advertisements.
"The International Order of the…

A sepia-colored photograph of William and Walter Priest. They were two of Maynard's leading business men in the early 1900's to the 1930's.
IOOF-MU Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Manchester Unity

Two copies of a sepia-colored photograph of the Priest Family. The Priests ran the Central Market, at the corner of Nason and Summer Streets. The photo captures the Priest family plucking chickens- considered to be serious business by the family- in…