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artifacts 006.JPG
United Co-Operative Society wire milk carrier and 10 - 1 quart bottles.

artifacts 002.JPG
Most homes had one of these in the early 1900's.
see 2016.540 for an example of the stereographic card that goes with the viewer.

artifacts 010.JPG
This type is still used on work horses.


This medal was sold in connection with the celebration on October 12, 1916 when a large parade downtown to Rev. John A. Crowe Park was followed by a speaking program and a barbecue. The purpose of the celebration was to raise money for the Soldiers…

A welcome home celebration occurred on July 4th, 1919 for the returning servicemen from WWI. There was a parade, speakers and presentation of the medal to each service man.

Photos of the medal and of a medal made into a keyring.

This autograph album was the property of Miss Mary A. Peters, Maynard, Mass. She was married to Mr. Frank E. Sanderson, September 24 1902. Miss Peters was a great grand-daughter of Amory Maynard.

This store was located on 115 Main Street in the building occupied by Gruber Brothers Furniture store for many years.
Left to right: John (Cob) McCormack, Frank (Turk) White, Michael Lynch (Proprietor), Edward Kronberg.

This printed card shows all the fire alarm boxes in use in 1927. The card was addressed to Mrs. Gertrude Beane, 15 DeMars St., Maynard, Mass.

This sign was on the front end of the old horse barn which was formerly on the Thompson or Eveleth land on Great Road, referred to as "Elmhurst Farm". The barn was moved to the Salo Farm on Parker Street in the rear of a home at 129 Parker Street…

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Photograph of "The Camera Circle", a camera club that existed in the 1930s. This shows some of the members of the club. The photograph was taken on Summer Hill during a field trip..

front row: Leslie Rivers, Arvi Stabell, Walter Luoma


0018ee 44 stars.jpg
This old American Flag contains forty-four stars. Wyoming, the 44th state, was added to the Union on July 10, 1890. Utah, the 45th state, entered the Union on January 4, 1896. This flag must be dated somewhere between 1890 and 1896.
The flag came…


l to r
F. Vodoklys, R. Marsden, C. Lerer, M. Stuckert, J. Driscoll, M. Finebert, ___?, Coach Horace Bates

A photo of the Maynard High School Track Team, 1932.

A photo of the MHS Football Team in 1935.

A picture of the St. Casimir's Baseball Team.

Mr. Hillis, with Mr. Joseph W. Reed, resident lawyers, gave his services without compensation in obtaining the Charter for the Town of Maynard. He was elected a member of the first school committee at the first town meeting on April 27, 1871. Also…

The pictures were taken on Main Street right next to the first Roman Catholic Church in Maynard, early 1890's.

Pictures taken at each bound stone designating the boundaries of the Town of Maynard. There were taken on Sunday.

1st photo: Ralph Sheridan, Winnie Hearon

2nd photo: Birger Koski, Ray Sheridan, Don Lent


The American Woolen Company mills as they appeared in the early 1900's.

see 1999.1917, 1999.85