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  • Tags: Boston & Maine

Eight folders that contain histories, newspaper clippings, schedules, tickets, boating news, train wrecks and accident information and general information on the state of public transportation in Maynard

A collection of eight photos (5 shown) of the bridge off Main Street.

Newspaper clippings pasted on a cardboard backing.

An account of the turbulent interplay of alcohol, the Temperance movement and Prohibition in Maynard.

A review of various forms of transportation and how they conveyed residents of Maynard, including walking, horseback, stage-coaches, steam trains, electric trolleys, busses and, finally, the automobile.

A blue "Maynard" sign that is from the Boston & Maine railroad station which stood on the corner of today's Main Street and Railroad Street: 151 Main Street. From photos of the station this was one of, perhaps 3, signs that were on the side of…