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  • Collection: Monographs

The origins and evolution of St. Casimir's church, an offspring of St. Bridget's focused on the Polish community.

With a textile mill as the center of employment (and economic power) for the first 75 years of Maynard's existence, it is not surprising that labor unions were deeply threaded through those years as well. A detailed chronology of labor unions in…

The automobile came into use shortly after the incorporation of Maynard. A short account of its introduction and growth of the automobile in town life.

Shortly after immigrating into Maynard the Italian community created a number of short and long-lived institutions.

A short account of what was, for a time, the second largest business in a "company town".

A short account of how Danish immigrants came and integrated into the Maynard community.

In the days before the canned entertainment of radio and television, people created their own diversions - and dances were immensely popular.

"Home Market Club", "Forester Guide", "Rosebud", "Middlesex" and the "Captor" are just a few names of cigars manufactured in Maynard through the late 1920's.

From the late 1890s to about 1920 a band of Gypsies regularly set up camp on the outskirts of town.

In the early days of Maynard's history three organizations sprang up (which we have little information on): "Congress of Friends", "Order of Alfredians", and "Nashoba Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men".

A small Finnish cooperative that was born out of a political differences with the United Coop. It operated for about 2 decades.

Chautauqua was a traveling adult education and social movement in the United States, highly popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It came to Maynard starting in 1917 and continued through 1929.

Before entertainment was available at the push of a button, the arrival of a carnival or circus in town would bring a little bit of excitement to quiet town life.

The International Order of Good Templars, who promoted total abstinence from alcoholic beverages, had a lodge in Assabet Village, prior to Maynard's incorporation.

The "Don’t You Wish You Knew?" club was a social group started in 1899 by local businessmen with membership limited to 20 with the apparent goal of sponsoring elaborate masquerade balls.

An account of a fundraising event that turned out to be, perhaps, the largest single event ever held in Maynard: "Barbecue Day".

James Farrell was a frequent contributor and speaker in the nascent years of the Maynard Historical Society. He passed away in 1968, four years shy of the Centennial celebration he helped shape.
